Our Impact (Jan to March 2024)
During this period we supported 3,988 people
We run 132 projects across Wales
Our most used services
- Floating Support: 53%
- Rough Sleeping Intervention Team: 13%
- Creating Opportunities for People: 13%
Number of users in various parts of Wales
- North and Mid Wales: 680 people
- South East Wales: 1,796 people
- South West Wales: 1,927 people
Age demographic of our service users
- 24 and under: 578
- 25-34: 1,030
- 35-44: 1,068
- 45-54: 775
- 55 and over: 488
Gender of service users
- Male: 2,408
- Female: 1,524
- Transgender: 7
- Non-binary: 1
- Other/non-disclosed: 25
Data at The Wallich is stored safely and securely and collected in line with GDPR regulations. People we support will not always disclose data we ask for and this is reflected in the data displayed on the Our Impact page.
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