01248 572760
The project provides an intensive support package to actively address issues in a creative and innovative way.
The principle behind the service is that people experiencing homelessness with chronic housing and support needs need to be offered a ‘house first’ – rather than being placed in emergency accommodation, which is often unsuitable for their needs, then temporary accommodation, before moving to a permanent home.
Once they have a safe and long-term home, caseworkers can then offer intensive support built around the individual’s specific needs.
The Housing First service is a specialist service available by referral only. If you are homeless or worried about someone sleeping rough, contact Cyngor Gwynedd’s homelessness service:
01766 771000
For more information about the project, or to request referral information, please contact us: 01248 572760
The service is funded by Cyngor Gwynedd through the Welsh Government’s Housing Support Grant.