Gold Investors in People accreditation awarded to The Wallich

11 May 2023

Following a series of surveys and interviews with The Wallich staff, Investors in People has awarded a gold standard

Investors in People is delighted to award The Wallich a ‘We invest in people’ gold accreditation.

Gold accreditation means more than you’ve got the policies in place.

It means everyone, from CEO to Caretaker, takes ownership for contributing to workplace culture and making vision, values and policies come to life.

Only 26% of organisations achieve gold and at the crux of it, it means that every single person is involved in supporting each other and is doing their best to make work better.

Paul Devoy, CEO of Investors in People, said:

“We’d like to congratulate The Wallich.

“Gold accreditation on ‘We invest in people’ is a fantastic effort for any organisation, and places The Wallich in fine company with a host of organisations that understand the value of people.”

Commenting on the award, The Wallich Director of People and Talent, Tom Hall, said:

“The Investors in People Gold award is a ringing endorsement of the hard work that everyone across the organisation puts in to make The Wallich a place we can all feel supported and excel within.

“We are very proud to have achieved this award.

“It demonstrates the progress that we’ve made over the course of the last three years, making us a good organisation that people want to work for.

“Being able to show off our Gold Accreditation helps show future applicants and staff what type of employer we are and that this is a place they would want to stay.

“We hope it also reassures all current staff that there are a range of good support and development opportunities available.

“Over the next few years we’ll be focusing on the recommendations and improvements suggested from the report and building towards achieving the highest ranking – Platinum!”

About Investors in People

Most of us will spend around 80,000 hours at work in our lifetimes.

For something that takes up that much of our time, Investors in People think you deserve to get more out of it than just a pay slip.

They organisation help more than 11 million people across 75 countries to make work better.

As thrilled as we are with the Gold accreditation, we’ve got a series of recommendations and an action plan so that we can keep making changes and keep improving the organization for our staff.