A Trauma Informed Framework for Wales

Our response

23 Jun 2022

The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Support Hub and Traumatic Stress Wales collaborated on the co-production of a National Trauma Practice Framework for Wales that covers all age groups and all forms of adversity and traumatic events.

Trauma Informed Framework

The aim of the framework is to help people, organisations and systems to prevent adversity and trauma and their associated negative effects.

It will facilitate the development of a whole systems approach to supporting the needs of people who have experienced adversity and trauma and seeks to bring consistency and coherence to support that effort and ensure that it meets the needs of those affected by trauma.

The National Trauma Practice Framework for Wales was put out for consultation in partnership with Welsh Government and The Wallich provided a detailed response based on our experience of embedding trauma-informed approaches within all areas of the work we do.

We feel that that our shift towards trauma-informed approaches has been transformational for The Wallich.


This emphasis on compassion and understanding to build communities is now being embedded through our organisational values.

Therefore, we can be confident in our hope for trauma-informed approaches becoming embedded across Welsh public services.

Collaboration and partnership working, in particular, will be significantly enhanced by a common understanding of trauma across all agencies involved in delivering care and support. 

Read our response