
Connect people sleeping rough with the services that can help them

StreetLink is a website, mobile app and phoneline which members of the public and people experiencing homelessness can access

Concerned about someone sleeping rough?

Use the service to alert local authorities and street outreach services in Wales and England about anyone who is sleeping rough.

Once StreetLink is notified, the information is passed to the relevant services, and the person sleeping rough is visited by a professional who can help them.

This service offers members of the public a way of doing something to help tackle homelessness.

It’s the first step to ensuring that people on the streets can be connected to the support and services available to them.
 Download the StreetLink app via the Apple Store or Google Play.
 0300 500 0914

Why is StreetLink important?

If you are concerned about someone who is sleeping rough, StreetLink is a simple and effective way to take positive action.

Evidence suggests that some people sleeping rough may not be known to local services, while not all rough sleepers are aware that help is available to them – about 50% of people new to the streets haven’t tried to seek advice or support.

Local authorities and the relevant support agencies and charities need your help to reach out to vulnerable people in your area.

For the public, it can be hard to know what to do about homelessness. As the issue becomes more visible, we need to work together to help homeless and vulnerable people get the support that works for them.

Are you sleeping rough?

If you’re sleeping rough, you can use StreetLink to inform a local authority and receive a visit from their outreach staff.

However, you could also visit your local Housing Options team directly.

The Wallich supports the promotion of StreetLink in Wales.