Pass the Parcel

Alternative to Christmas shoebox donations

The Wallich rough sleepers team on the streets in the Riverside area of Cardiff

Around Christmas time, we get a lot of very generous donations of items like toiletries or clothes, but as a charity we don’t have enough space to store things for when people need them throughout the whole year. 

We want to be able to provide items for our clients which are suitable, fit properly and protect again the weather at the time that they need them.

Just because I’m homeless, doesn’t mean I have to look like a mess

The items need to be appropriate and if we give the element of choice, it all goes towards building up a person’s confidence after being homeless.

View the details of each parcel below

Homelessness and housing charities receive a lot of very generous donations of shoeboxes, toiletries, food and clothes from the public.

They are distributed to those who need them but, due to the sheer amount of items collected – especially around Christmas time – there’s usually too many.

Visit our online shop and purchase a Pass The Parcel “virtual shoebox”

Buy now - The Wallich shop for homelessness

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