Volunteers Week story

05 Sep 2019

The Wallich is celebrating Volunteers Week from 3 – 10 June 2019.

Volunteers Week is an annual celebration of the fantastic contributions that volunteers make across the UK.

Meet some of our incredible volunteers from across Wales who are doing their bit to make homelessness history.

Meet Oli

“My name is Oli and I’m a volunteer at the Cardiff Shoreline project.”

Why did you choose to volunteer with The Wallich?

“I’ve worked in banking and financial services for the last twenty years and wanted a complete career change.

I’ve wanted to do something related to homelessness and something that I felt is worthwhile for a long time.

The Wallich is the most prominent homelessness charity in Wales, so I felt it was the best place to start.”

What have been your best moments?

“It’s the simple things really. Residents asking if you want a cup of tea, asking if I wanted any lunch that they were going to cook for me.

Being thanked by residents for just having a chat with them and taking an interest in their day-to-day lives.

Seeing residents progress by making positive lifestyle changes.”

Would you recommend volunteering at The Wallich?



Meet Dilys

“My name is Dilys and I’m a volunteer across Wales.”

Why did you choose to volunteer with The Wallich?

“It’s such a pressing issue and so wrong that people with complex needs end up homeless or in inadequate housing and care.

I give as much money as I can, but I am limited. So, I found another way I can help.

I admire those forward-thinking individuals who do something to change this terrible situation.”

What have been your best moments?

“I enjoyed going on the 7am breakfast run. I’m an 86-year-old, blue badge holder with health issues that can slow me up. But I worked alongside the staff and volunteers, who constantly show a good sense of humor, compassion, and resilience – including to me.

I’ve met lovely homeless people, that have been crushed by circumstances of one sort or another, it’s helped push me outside my comfort zone.”

Would you recommend volunteering at The Wallich?


Meet Roger

“My name is Roger, and I’m a volunteer Business Coach at the Building Opportunities, Skills and Success (BOSS) project.”

Why did you choose to volunteer with The Wallich?

“I retired from business and wanted to do something to help people to get started with their own business.”

What have been your best moments?

“When you find someone with a clear business idea and the determination to carry it out, it’s very rewarding to be able to help.

If I can make a difference to even one life then, for me, it’s all worthwhile.”

Would you recommend volunteering at The Wallich?


Join our team of Wallich heroes and do something about homelessness in Wales. Find out more via our Volunteer page or email volunteers@thewallich.net