Reflections Network

Reflections Network

A network of trained counsellors to help our service users deal with the trauma of homelessness

What is the Reflections Network?

The Reflections Network is a counselling service, created and designed when we realised that we were primarily responding to day-to-day concerns and behaviours, instead of getting to the root causes.

Often, it can be an extremely challenging or lengthy process for our client base to access counselling, so we created our own bespoke service to accommodate this.

The Reflections Network is a reactive service for The Wallich’s service users and aims to connect people with a counsellor within 28 days of referral.

Sessions are not time limited and an integrative approach is used since each person is different, and one size will not fit all.

We have a team of 10 counsellors covering all areas where we work in Wales.

Counsellors are trauma and psychologically informed to best support our service users.

Key benefits of counselling

Counselling with a neutral professional enables people to share difficult aspects of their lives without fear of judgement or being labelled.

These subjects may be things that have never been spoken about and can be very challenging to keep with them for long periods of time.

It addresses trauma which has negatively affected a person’s life.

Counselling provides the opportunity to explore past and present events, to better understand and process what has happened.

It is our belief that, through this process, substantial and positive, long-lasting changes can be achieved by the individual.

Join our Counsellor Network

Could you deliver vital counselling to our charity’s service users?

We are a Wales-wide service always looking for paid counsellors to join our network.

Counsellors are supported by our Reflections Network Manager.

Deliver trauma informed counselling for people with experience of homelessness, vulnerable housing, substance use, relationship breakdown, mental health and the criminal justice system.


Areas currently vacant

However, we take registrations of interest from all over Wales.


Register your interest to become a Reflections Network counsellor today


To register your interest, please email to arrange a meeting via

We unfortunately cannot take student placements

Register your interest

The Reflections Network is made possible thanks to Swansea and Neath Port Talbot University Health Board and the Moondance Foundation

Key achievements

Since the launch of The Reflections Network in March 2019 to March 2021, we have facilitated 5,356 counselling appointments for 573 people.

During the height of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions in 2020, 117 people who would otherwise be secluded received a telephone call from a counsellor within 24 hours – sometimes the same day or even within the hour.

The Reflections Network is highly adaptable and fluid. We are making constant changes to our service provision to enhance accessibility for all the people we support.

To find out more, or if you have any further questions, please contact

The Reflections Network is only accessible to people who interact with The Wallich services.