£5,000 from ScottishPower to benefit Wrexham hostels

16 Feb 2023

Two of The Wallich’s residences will benefit from a sizable donation for the energy company

The Wallich has three residential properties in Wrexham which offer safe, temporary accommodation to people experiencing homelessness.

Across three properties, The Wallich offers 22 beds for people who find themselves without a home. Each property has shared bathroom and kitchen facilities and all residents have access to a support worker.

The Wallich support workers help residents to develop independent living skills required to maintain a tenancy and to gain access to other services such as health care, benefits, training and education.

How the donation will be spent

As the cost of everyday items rises, everyone is having to be smarter with their money. £100 ASDA vouchers or £100 Primark vouchers will be given to each resident of the two hostels.

The vouchers will be spent during a session with their support worker. They will be able to buy essential items for themselves or buy personal items to improve their living space in the hostel.

Isolation from society is part of the reason why people experiencing homelessness might find it difficult to move on.


Even inside their home, people can feel secluded when they can’t engage in the same cultural experiences as everyone else.

Part of the donation will purchase two smart TVs and a Netflix subscriptions for communal areas in the residential properties.

The aim is to create neutral spaces, places of calm normality and casual conversation.

Lauren McIntyre, Social Projects and Sector Education Team for ScottishPower, said,

“Each year ScottishPower employees are given the opportunity to donate to charities across a number of areas.

“These charities do fantastic work in the communities we serve so hopefully this donation will help towards the support The Wallich provides.

“We have employees who live and work in Wales so it was important to them we donated to a local charity particularly at this time of year.”

Rebeca Lucy, Regional Fundraising Coordinator for The Wallich, said:

“We’re extremely grateful to have been chosen to receive this generous donation from ScottishPower.

Winter can be a difficult time every year, but this year the cost of living crisis is taking a heavy toll on households across Wales, including the people we support in Wrexham.

“This donation will help to ease that pressure slightly by enabling our clients to purchase items for themselves and their homes. Thank you again to ScottishPower and its employees for giving back to the community.”


The Wallich works across Wales, in 18 of the 22 local authorities.

It works with a minimum of 7,000 people each year on housing, substance use, mental health, wellbeing, employment and more to help break the cycle of homelessness.

The Wallich believes that people experiencing homelessness and people at risk of homelessness have varied and different support needs.

It is proven that their successful recovery can be benefited by living in a Psychologically Informed Environment (PIE).

We want to provide innovative and trauma-informed services and match people as best we can to provide support which suits them.