
Our research and policy team produces in-depth reports about homelessness and related issues in Wales

Homelessness is a complicated issue with many factors contributing to why someone is without a home.

Being homeless impacts on many parts of a person’s life, affecting their health, education and ability to find work and it can lead to an increase in re-offending for those with a criminal past.


Latest reports

We undertake research with our service users in order to better understand homelessness, as well as commissioning external researchers to undertake larger projects.

We use what we learn to influence those with the power to make lives better for homeless people in Wales by pro-actively suggesting how services can be improved and responding to councils and the Welsh Government when they ask for information.

Real Voices, Real Trauma - Youth Homelessness ACEs Report 2018 - The Wallich - Swansea Council
31 Oct 2018

Real Voices, Real Trauma

An investigation into trauma experienced by people aged 16-25 across Wales who either are experiencing or have experienced homelessness. This work was carried out by Nia Rees, acting as a research consultant to The Wallich, and was paid for by Swansea Council.