01656 721 912
Brynmenyn is a 16-bed hostel for people experiencing homelessness in Bridgend.
As well as providing accommodation, we prepare residents for their own tenancies by providing support, daytime activities and identifying suitable move on accommodation.
We also provide support with resettlement when required.
All rooms at Brynmenyn are for occupancy of people who have been referred via Bridgend County Borough Council.
Support staff regularly put on diversionary activities for residents to help their wellbeing, build connections with staff and other residents, and develop skills and resilience.
Activities have included, games night, BBQs, growing fruit and vegetables and much more.
Support staff at Brynmenyn can refer residents to multiple agencies for additional support whilst residing at Brynmenyn House.
The team have a solutions-focused approach to ensure that residents have the best opportunity to sustain a tenancy in the future and improve their physical and mental wellbeing long-term.
The Wallich believes that people experiencing homelessness and vulnerably housed people are individuals with varied and different support needs.
It is proven that their successful recovery can be benefited by living in a Psychologically Informed Environment (PIE).
We want to provide innovative and trauma-informed services, like Brynmenyn House, and match people as best we can to support which suits them.
For more information about the project, or to request referral information, please contact us.