
12 Gore Terrace, Swansea SA1 5DN


01792 466 566

Abstinence-focused supported accommodation in Swansea

Gorwelion helps residents gain the knowledge and skills to live substance-free and independently in sustainable, suitable accommodation.

The service works with people who have previous substance use and criminal offending history and would like to abstain from both.

There are two Gorwelion properties which offer a psychologically informed environment (PIE) for residents’ recovery and moving forward with life.

One house contains seven rooms and the other has six rooms.

All Gorwelion rooms come with their own shower room and small kitchenette.

Both properties have a communal kitchen and washroom.

Our Gorwelion properties are staffed 24/7 by our trauma informed experts.

Support we offer:

Gorwelion works with many different agencies to support the clients in their recovery from drugs or alcohol use.

We also offer in-house activities to encourage substance-free living.

Referrals into the project are completed via the TAP team at Housing Options Swansea.

What our staff say

“Seeing people thrive and enjoy life again. No other job compares.”

– The Wallich Gorwelion staff member

“Every day my job allows me to work in a team that is inspirational and driven for the best outcomes for our clients. It’s challenging, fun and rewarding.”

“It’s an honour to work with our clients who never fail to amaze me with their courage and fight with substance recovery.”

Gorwelion is the greatest job I’ve ever had and I love every day I come to work.”

– The Wallich Gorwelion staff member

People who have lived at Gorwelion


A challenging upbringing in Swansea resulted in addiction and crime becoming the norm.

At age 28, a drug and alcohol-fuelled evening of crime led to Stephen realising he needed to change.

Read Stephen's story

For many years, 62-year-old Faisal dealt with addiction to substances.

After a stint in prison, Faisal is now living a drug-free lifestyle with the support from staff at The Wallich.

Read Faisal's story

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